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Alexandria Tindall Webb Elected to U.S. Court of Federal Claims Bar Association Board of Governors

January 23, 2025

Rogers Joseph O’Donnell PC Of Counsel Alexandria Tindall Webb has been elected to the Board of Governors of the United States Court of Federal Claims Bar Association. The election reflects her commitment to the community of attorneys that advise government contractors and others with disputes before the court. Her term will run through December 2027. 

The Court of Federal Claims Bar Association joins attorneys of the private bar and federal government. Since its founding in 1987, the Bar Association has supported the court and promoted justice in disputes between the U.S. and its citizens. 

Based in RJO’s Washington D.C. office, Mrs. Webb is a member of the firm’s Government Contracts and Retail Industry Trade Regulation practice groups. She has represented clients in disputes with government entities before the U.S. Court of Federal Claims and the U.S. Government Accountability Office.

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