Jon-Erik Magnus and Alecia E. Cotton present in a webinar hosted by the California Grocers Association and its Educational Foundation
On July 22, Environmental and Retail Trade Regulation attorneys Jon-Erik Magnus and Alecia E. Cotton are presenting on the webinar hosted by the California Grocers Association (CGA) and the CGA Educational Foundation (CGAEF).
Not only in California, but across the country, grocery stores are forced to shift their daily procedures to accommodate for pandemic related measures. Various safety and sanitation regulations have been put in place over the past few months and it has changed how grocery stores are expected to operate in the future.
During this webinar, Jon-Erik Magnus and Alecia Cotton will present on the legal requirements and answer member questions. They will offer further insight into how the COVID-19 pandemic will change the future landscape of the grocery industry.
The webinar is takes place Wednesday, July 22 from 10:00 – 11:30 am PST. It is free for CGA members and $75 for non-CGA members.