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– Aaron Silberman – Speaker at the Federal Pro Bono Project Annual Reception

March 21, 2023

Aaron Silberman will be speaking on Tuesday, March 21, at the Federal Pro Bono Project Annual Reception at the District Court for the Northern District of California in San Francisco.

Aaron will be discussing the rewards of representing low-income litigants for mediation in employment discrimination cases and the positive impact it has on both the litigants and the legal community.

The Federal Pro Bono Project extends a diverse range of legal aid to pro se litigants in federal court, which includes linking them with pro bono counsel for full or limited representation. The project has been collaborating with the court for 15 years and has been fortunate to have a remarkable group of volunteer lawyers. These volunteers have taken on over 300 cases, covering various legal issues, and have provided crucial assistance to pro se litigants.

Aaron’s involvement with the program dates back to 2004, and he has continued to volunteer with the Bar Association of San Francisco’s Justice & Diversity Center for the past 15 years. During this time, he’s had the privilege of assisting over 20 unrepresented plaintiffs, with the support of RJO colleagues, including Aaron Scolari, Dennis Huie, Lauren Kramer, Sharon Rossi, Josh Deitz, Emily Murphy, and Ruby Zapien.

San Francisco, CA
  • Robert Dollar Building
    311 California Street, 10th Floor
    San Francisco, CA 94104-2695
  • Phone: 415.956.2828
  • Fax: 415.956.6457
Washington, DC
  • 1500 K Street, NW, Suite 800
    Washington DC 20005-1227
  • Phone: 202.777.8950
  • Fax: 202.347.8429