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Stephen Bacon authored an article for the September issue of Contract Management Magazine. He discusses one of the hottest bid protest issues over the last several years. The availability of key personnel to perform has the potential to change award outcomes. Read the full article here. “This article appeared in the September 2022 issue of…
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Robert Metzger was interviewed by Thomas Temin for his Federal Drive show (and podcast) on Federal News Network. They discussed the Cybersecurity Assessment Process (CAP); CMMC. 2.0 Regulations; achievable strategies for small and medium-sized businesses, and the Comments of the The Coalition for Government Procurement on the CAP, which Robert helped to author. Listen to the full interview.
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RJO is a proud sponsor of the 18th Annual Justice and Diversity Center Gala, hosted by the Bar Association of San Francisco. Learn about the tremendous impact the JDC programs are making in the SF community and honor our fabulous volunteers. Click here to learn more.
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Aaron Silberman will be speaking on September 28, 2022, at the 61st Annual National Seminar on Government Contracts on “Litigating Government Contract Disputes.” Many of you have experienced them: those issues that result in your failure to obtain a Government Contract award when your contract presents the best value; when the Government Contract you have…
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Renee D. Wasserman, was the Chair of this year’s Prop. 65 Annual Conference on September 19, 2022, at the Julia Morgan Ballroom in San Francisco and gave the opening remarks on “Where we are Today with Prop 65 and Where we are going Tomorrow.” With almost 40 years of experience litigating, Renee has represented clients in…
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RJO is pleased to announce that Cindy Lopez has joined our firm in our D.C. office as an associate, specializing in complex commercial litigation, government contracts, and cybersecurity & privacy. Ms. Lopez has experience in federal court litigation, including the U.S. Court of Federal Claims, U.S. District Courts, U.S. Courts of Appeals, and the U.S….
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RJO is pleased to announce that Henry D. Stegner has joined our firm as an associate specializing in attorney liability and conduct, construction, government contracts, and complex commercial litigation. Mr. Stegner has a wide range of federal and state court experience that allows him to tackle complex litigation issues and courtroom procedures of all kinds….
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RJO is pleased to announce that Ruby Zapien has joined our firm as an associate, specializing in complex commercial litigation, construction and labor and employment. Ms. Zapien has extensive experience representing individual and corporate clients from varied industries in both litigation and transactional matters. Before joining Rogers Joseph O’Donnell, Ms. Zapien served as an associate…
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The U.S. government is increasingly focused on supply chain risk for government agencies, departments, and across a growing landscape of industry verticals. Industry leaders recognize that new investments and capabilities are needed to identify, deter, protect against, detect, and respond to supply chain threats. Emerging best practices emphasize data collection and analysis tailored to individual…
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On February 18, Robert Metzger, RJO shareholder, will speak to members of WashingtonExec on “DoJ’s “Cyber Civil Fraud” Campaign: What Does It Mean to You.” Topic: The federal government is determined to improve cyber security of agencies and departments. That’s clear from EO 14028 and from the Jan. 19 order extending the EO to National…
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